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Pronunciation hints


 Image result for mouth pronounce espanol

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Unfortunately, English spelling is not very good at representing the spoken language. Many letters are silent and there are many inconsitencies. Still, there are a few points you need to keep in mind:

  • “h” is pronounced at the beginning of works, e.g.: happy
  • English “R” is quite different than Spanish. In North America, "R" is pronounced with rounded lips and with the tongue tip behind the lower teeth, e.g.: real
  • “th” is pronounced with the tongue tip between the teech, e.g.: think , then
  •  "b and "v" are separate sounds in English and must be distinguished, e.g.: "very" vs "berry"
  • When the letter "i" appears alone before a consonant, it is usually short "i", as in sit
    (so it is different from the Spanish vowel in sitio)
  • When the letter "e" appears alone before a consonant, it is usually short "e", as in bet
    (so it is different from the Spanish vowel in meta)
  • The letters "ay" represents two vowel sounds in the same syllable, e.g.: day , say


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